In this submission, the Coalition for Culture and Media presents an overview of the changes occurring in the broadcasting environment including an explanation of the typology and uses of data by platforms and other online programming companies broadcasting cultural and informational content (see appendix 3).
The coalition also proposes that the review panel recommend that the government implement interim measures this spring to support the Canadian system until the review of the Broadcasting Act and the Telecommunications Act is completed. Legislative amendments are also suggested to fill the gaps in the legislation and to impel all who benefit from the Canadian broadcasting system to contribute to the sustainability and development of Canadian cultural and media content.
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- Appendix 3 : Tchéhouali, Destiny; Plamondon, Josée (2018), Données d’usage et usage des données à l’ère des plateformes : De la nécessité d’un encadrement réglementaire pour une meilleure affirmation de notre souveraineté numérique, Montréal, ISOC Québec pour la Coalition pour la culture et les médias (CCM)